During the COVID-19 pandemic, iTech help has developed an online store and booking system, integrated into the JP Health & Nutrition website in order for the team to continue to grow and serve their customers virtually through the difficult time's COVID-19 pandemic has imposed upon them.
Health & Nutrition
The focus at JP Health and Nutrition is building a better lifestyle for individuals through creating a healthy relationship with food and overall health. They pride themselves on their customer service and love to build professional and friendly relationships with their clients.
The main goal is educating and assisting clients to choose nutritious sources of foods and supplements/products to reach their health and or fitness goals.
JP Health
iTech help has worked with the team from JP Health & Nutrition on the strategy to grow the brand across digital platforms. iTech was tasked to build a website for JP Health & Nutrition in order to expand the brand on digital space and provide the online presence to validate the identity of JP Health & Nutrition.